Camera is back in service so here are the pics from yesterday. : )
A 'before' pic of the bathroom.
Another 'before' pic. The cat did not want to move. Note the blue
formica counter and laminate floors that I'm fairly certain previous owners installed incorrectly. Also, if you know where I can find a replacement vent like that PLEASE let me know!
'Before' The cabinet over the sink looks roomy, but in reality only one side opens!
The door knob I spoke of.
This is when I made the final decision on paint staying.
New shower curtain and rug.
The cabinet after I started painting it. Not finished, but so far I like it. I don't know why it is so shiny in the pictures.
The wall in the nursery that is 'in progress.'
Oops! One more before pic.
Ok, so there it is! Until next time, keep dreaming design. : )
What fun, I usually get struck with the urge to redecorate in the spring! :) Love that shower curtain!